Shout out to lauren!

My wife rocks Most of you are thinking “well, there is always a reacher and a settler, right?” Yes, I agree. And I stretched for the moon. Over the coming years I think we will see some real battles that will be fought for people who deserve to have every... [Read More]

Upgrade to angular 1.5 and input vs. model naming

So, here is the thing ng-model and name on input are two things you should be comfortable seeing if you are in the angular community. Well, let me tell you something… You will get some seriously weird behavior if those two items are the same. The form on scope will... [Read More]

Going to ngConf!

Well, as I sit here at barrio in terminal 2 of the MSP airport I realize just how big of an opportunity I am bring being presented with. Being a full stack dev looking to separate myself from the crowd I found front end - interesting, opinionated, fun, and fulfilling... [Read More]